Friday 20 August 2010

Law Abiding Citizen

Had a bit of a crappy week this week so seeing Gerard Butler raging against injustice felt like quite an appropriate way to see off a Friday night. What a very silly film this is. Don't get me wrong, I still really enjoyed it but you need to be able to disable your 'critic mode' to enjoy it to its best. It's an absolutely stupid film.

Basically in a nutty shell, nasty things happen to nice bloke's family and nice bloke become bastard and wreaks excessively violent revenge on everyone he thinks is responsible for nasty things. Even though he's banged up in prison and stuff. And strips naked when the coppers come to get him. I don't really know why he did that.

Watching the film was a bit of a stop and start affair as it was interrupted by phone calls, the DVD freezing and my need to keep getting more beers and finish a bottle of wine. I'm actually as drunk as I've been in a long time. Hahahaha.

I liked the "**** you and your pommes-frites" quote and the bit that made wifey cack herself when someone's head got surprisingly messed up.

Sorry, if you want a better review you should probably do a Google-me-do.

Love you

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