Tuesday 31 August 2010

500 Days Of Summer

Must be all the pink wine I've been drinking recently but I really rather enjoyed this. But then it's not exactly a 'rom-com' or a 'chick-flick' or some other ghastly pigeonholed moniker. So why the pink wine intro? And the rubbish pigeon moniker thing. Shut up idiot.

Yeh it's pretty good this. It's all about true love but told in a clever timey-wimey way and with a clever spin at the end that makes you go 'ooh that's a clever spin'. Everyone in it is very young and quirky and intelligent though, (is anyone that impossibly cool in real life?) flitting from architecture to karaoke to pancakes to The Graduate to punches in the face to Ikea comedy. Usually whilst wearing tank tops.

You get the feeling the two leads knew this would get them a lot of credits in the Hollywood bank. They're both really good in it though to be fair so good luck to them. Yeah, good luck you movie stars. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Really liked the ending though and it happened at the very best time for a film to end. And I liked the screenplay with the talky-talks and the clever bits like the split screen sequence and the musical number.

Bang on 90 minutes too so it didn't interfere with my young and quirky and intelligent evening plans.

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