Wednesday 29 September 2010


Sylvia Stallone was in full lazy 80's mode here. Probably why he spends most of the film with stupidly reflective shades on (spot the film crew) so he can shut his eyes when the other characters are doing stuff. Or so you can't see his eyes roll when Miami Sound Machine come on the soundtrack again.

Mr Cobra is a tough cop who has to protect Brigitte Nielsen from an evil gang of evils, led by a baddie with the most baddie looking face I've ever seen. And an awesome chin. After an excruciating glamour photo scene where Brigitte poses with 80's robots, the plot gets a bit Tom and Jerry all the way till the industrial ending. Oh and there's a bit where about 50 people fall off motorbikes.

Mr Cobra's cop boss was the baddie in Dirty Harry. That can't be right.

All a bit rubbish but rescued by the line "This is where the law stops and i start, sucker".

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