Tuesday 28 September 2010

The Ghost

Blessed with an incredibly distracting accent, Ewan McGregor is hired by a fat, bald Belushi to do writing stuff for ex PM. Ex PM is ex Bond who excels at gesticulating wildly when on the phone. Ex PM's ex Ghost writer is now extinct but why exactly? Excuse me but I didn't really care.

Dull film this. Lots of blah, blah. Rains a lot. A bit like Bladerunner then but a lot less interesting. Even figuring out one of the plot points pretty quickly was boring. Had hoped for a lot more from what looked like a pacy, intelligent thriller. It ain't. Deffo not intelligent like what I is.

Speaking of which, how the hell was a glaring typo allowed to get on the scene where a Sky News report comes on a telly and the onscreen text refers to the 'Bristish' Prime Minister? It's shown about four times too! Gah. Bad spelling AND bad accents.

Why make Ewan speakytalk like that? And why is Belushi in it for about 3 minutes? Random bit of stunt casting there. The BMW satnav system gets a lot of airtime though. Might have been the best thing in it. At least it had a sensible voice.

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