Tuesday 18 May 2010


Wasn't really in the mood to watch this. Had just finished a short but 'je suis fatigue' gym session, watched Luke create a superbug for his homework (woodlice with spider eyes, wasp wings and scorpion tail - quality), got Jack ready for bed and other stuff. I usually have a little nap about 8pm but the need to eat a classic movie won out tonight. Opening music was properly proper good - must get me a quickfix Bernard Herrman CD. What with that and the brilliant titles I was definitely drawn in. Hello roof-top chase sequence. Hello shot that's exactly the same as The Matrix (steal from the best eh Wachowskis?).

Had nooooo idea what to expect from this film at all so was a treat just to go with it. Ahhh, it's a thriller. No it's a mystery. Oooh it's gone a bit supernatural. This was the commentary I made as I sat alone with my coffee and cookies. In my head anyway where the other voices live. I was also wondering why anyone would decorate a restaurant with such a vividly red colour. And why rear-projection looks so good even though it's inherently a bit rubbish. Just makes me feel I'm watching a proper movie and therefore happy. Anyone else get this? Nope? Just me and the voices then...

Seemed to go on way longer than it needed to though. James Stewart's dream sequence was brilliantly mental and hooked me back again and then the Nun arrived and it finished. So all in all me says this, I think I admired it more than I enjoyed it but am really glad I saw it. Might have to nom-nom a few more Hitchcocks that I haven't seen now.

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